Saturday, November 27, 2010

Character Expressions

Haah, this was fun to do.  All my expressions for Character Design class.  Someone pointed out that he looks like the guy from MythBusters a la this:

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Royal Winter Fair Portfolio

Drawings from the Royal Winter Fair.  The title page is based off a conversation I overheard between two farmers that I found hilarious.  I had A LOT of fun at the fair and wanna go back again so bad.  Good times, man, good times.  Wanna draw moar animals!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Character Design Poses

This is my character for the poses assignment in Character Design class and I'm SUPER proud of it.  It's basically one big extended historical metaphor.  Essentially, it's the history of the German Confederation summed up in 6 poses starting with the fall of Napoleonic France and the end of the Austro-Prussian War (Where Austria lost) with the German Double-Headed Eagle telling that tale.  I'm just a super nerd, really.

The Austria bird/head has the long 'head' feather that is a reference to the long feathers that were put in the caps of Austrian army officers of that time period.  The Prussia bird/head has the 'spike' feather that is a reference to the spike found atop classic German soldier helmets.  The rooster is of course the Gallic Rooster, a symbol of France's national spirit since Roman times.  The German translates "The German Confederation presents...The German Coat of Arms" and the second one is graffiti'd over with 'Prussia presents...' instead, hahahahaha, I'm so witty.

The urge to animate the Austria bird with the Inglorious Bastard voice clip of 'Nein, nein, nein!' is overwhelming, guys.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Hands and Feet Life Drawing Class Portfolio

I've never drawn feet before really, so I'm a little impressed with myself.  An improvement in my hands technique.  Overall, I think I did alright.  The structure for the feet in not very uniformed, because I just sorta...had no technique going into it, but it's all good! 

C-c-c-ch-check it out!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Recent Art

This is an art dump.

An unorganized one.  Most of this is fanart, one of them is the Title Page done for Intro. to Digital Tools class.  Now I regret not using another composition for the Title Page, but oh well.  One or two of these are murals, one done for my Gold Award on the Space Race.  Also, a really bad egg AKA my first time using gouache.  Mhm, enjoy~

Sheridan Entrance Portfolio

Sheridan's Entrance Portfolio was a heck of a learning experience and if it weren't for my mentor, it would have never gotten to the point of polish it needed to be in order to get me in! 

Though I never received my scores, it was good enough to get me in, I suppose, so I decided to throw it up.  If you were linked here by Sheridan's blog, feel free to ask me questions via comment or e-mail about this bad boy (that'll give you a headache and some heartache along the way, haha).  Some of these are embarrassingly bad, while others I'm still kinda proud of to this day.  It was a learning experience either way!

Heck yeah, I just rhymed.